Artículos de Revista en Ciencias Exactas y Naturales : [1472] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 1472
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021Interaction of the antimicrobial peptide ∆M3 with the Staphylococcus aureus membrane and molecular modelsManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Fandino Devia, Liliana Estefanía; Patino González, Edwin Bairon; Suwalsky, Mario; Jemioła Rzeminska, Małgorzata
2011Habitat-specific constraints on induced hatching in a treefrog with reproductive mode plasticityUrbina González, Jenny; Touchon, Justin; Warkentin, Karen
2016Quantifying and Controlling Biases in Estimates of Dark Matter Halo ConcentrationMuñoz Cuartas, Juan Carlos; Poveda Ruiz, Christian Nicanor; Forero Romero, Jaime Ernesto
2012On the relativistic precession and oscillation frequencies of test particles around rapidly rotating compact starsPachón Contreras, Leonardo Augusto; Rueda Hernández, Jorge Armando; Valenzuela Toledo, Cesar Alonso
2010The star cluster-field star connection in nearby spiral galaxies I. Data analysis techniques and application to NGC 4395Silva Villa, Esteban; Larsen, Soeren
2016Constraining the radiation and plasma environment of the Kepler circumbinary habitable-zone planetsZuluaga Callejas, Jorge Iván; Cuartas Restrepo, Pablo Andrés; Manson, Paul
2011The star cluster – field star connection in nearby spiral galaxies II. Field star and cluster formation histories and their relationSilva Villa, Esteban; Larsen, Soeren
2014Preparación y caracterización de carbón activado a partir de torta de higuerillaOspina Guarín, Viviana María; Buitrago Sierra, Robison; López López, Diana Patricia
2016Utilización de un residuo mineral industrial como catalizador en la hidroconversión de dibenciléter y de un carbón subbituminoso colombianoSánchez Castañeda, Juliana; Moreno Lopera, Andrés; Ruiz Machado, Wilson Alonso
2013Improved mixing condition on the grid for counting and sampling independent setsRestrepo López, Ricardo; Shin, Jinwoo; Tetali, Prasad; Vigoda, Eric; Yang, Linji
2014Specific primers design based on the superoxide dismutase b gene for Trypanosoma cruzi as a screening tool: Validation method using strains from Colombia classified according to their discrete typing unitMejía Jaramillo, Ana María; Olmo, Francisco; Escobedo Ortegón, Javier; Palma, Patricia; Sánchez Moreno, Manuel; Triana Chávez, Omar; Clotilde, Marín
2022Integrating In Vitro and In Silico Analysis of a Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide Interaction with Model Membranes of Colistin-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa StrainsManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Rivera Sanchez, Sandra Patricia; Ocampo Ibáñez, Iván Darío; Liscano, Yamil; Martínez, Natalia; Muñoz, Isamar; Martinez Martinez, Luis; Oñate Garzon, José
2014The Structural Modeling of the Interaction between Levofloxacin and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Gyrase Catalytic Site Sheds Light on the Mechanisms of Fluoroquinolones Resistant Tuberculosis in Colombian Clinical IsolatesPeláez Jaramillo, Carlos Alberto; Álvarez Zuluaga, Nataly; Zapata, E.; Mejía, G.I; Realpe, T.; Araque Marín, Predonel; Rouzaud, F.; Robledo, J.
2017Flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae: Sarcophaginae) from the Colombian Guajira biogeographic province, an approach to their ecology and distributionValverde Castro, César Augusto; Buenaventura, Eliana; Sánchez Rodríguez, Juan David; Wolff Echeverri, Marta Isabel
2010Habitat-specific constraints on induced hatching in a treefrog with reproductive mode plasticityUrbina González, Jenny; Touchon, Justin C.; Warkentin, Karen M.
2014Formation, habitability, and detection of extrasolar moonsZuluaga Callejas, Jorge Iván; Heller, René; Williams, Darren; Kipping, David; Limbach, Mary Anne; Turner, Edwin; Greenberg, Richard; Sasaki, Takanori; Bolmont, Émeline; Grasset, Olivier; Lewis, Karen; Barnes, Rory
2020Synthetic Peptide ∆M4-Induced Cell Death Associated with Cytoplasmic Membrane Disruption, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Melanoma CellsPatiño González, Edwin Bairon; Santa González, Gloria Angélica; Manrique Moreno, Marcela María
2020Synergistic Effect of rhBMP-2 Protein and Nanotextured Titanium Alloy Surface to Improve Osteogenic Implant PropertiesPatiño González, Edwin Bairon; Mesa Restrepo, Andrea; Civantos, Ana; Allain, Jean Paul; Alzate, Juan Fernando; Balcázar, Norman; Montes Gómez, Robinson; Pavón Palacio, Juan José; Rodríguez Ortiz, José Antonio; Torres Hernández, Yadir
2022In Vitro and In Silico Antistaphylococcal Activity of Indole Alkaloids Isolated from Tabernaemontana cymosa Jacq (Apocynaceae)Quiñones Fletcher, Wiston; Pájaro González, Yina; Cabrera Barraza, Julián; Martelo Ramírez, Geraldine; Oliveros Díaz, Andrés F.; Urrego Álvarez, Juan; Díaz Castillo, Fredy C.
2022Sodium-calcium exchanger-3 regulates pain ‘‘wind- up’’: From human psychophysics to spinal mech- anismsRamírez Aristeguieta, Luis Miguel; Bedoya Berrío, Gabriel de Jesús; Ruíz Linares, Andrés; Patel, Ryan; Polgár, Erika; Chisholm, Kim I.; Middleton, Steven J.; Boyle, Kieran; Dickie, Allen C.; Semizoglou, Evangelia; Pérez Sánchez, Jimena; Bell, Andrew M.; Trendafilova, Teodora; Khoury, Samar; Ivanov, Aleksandar; Wildner, Hendrik; Ferris, Eleanor; Chacón Duque, Juan Camilo; Sokolow, Sophie; Saad Boghdady, Mohamed A.; Herchuelz, André; Faux, Pierre; Poletti, Giovanni; Rothhammer, Francisco; Gallo, Carla; Adhikari, Kaustubh; Ulrich Zeilhofer, Hanns; Diatchenko, Luda; McMahon, Stephen B.; Todd, Andrew J.; Dickenson, Anthony H.; Schmid, Annina B.; Bennett, David L.
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 1472