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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 1465
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Integrating In Vitro and In Silico Analysis of a Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide Interaction with Model Membranes of Colistin-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa StrainsManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Rivera Sanchez, Sandra Patricia; Ocampo Ibáñez, Iván Darío; Liscano, Yamil; Martínez, Natalia; Muñoz, Isamar; Martinez Martinez, Luis; Oñate Garzon, José
2014The Structural Modeling of the Interaction between Levofloxacin and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Gyrase Catalytic Site Sheds Light on the Mechanisms of Fluoroquinolones Resistant Tuberculosis in Colombian Clinical IsolatesPeláez Jaramillo, Carlos Alberto; Álvarez Zuluaga, Nataly; Zapata, E.; Mejía, G.I; Realpe, T.; Araque Marín, Predonel; Rouzaud, F.; Robledo, J.
2017Flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae: Sarcophaginae) from the Colombian Guajira biogeographic province, an approach to their ecology and distributionValverde Castro, César Augusto; Buenaventura, Eliana; Sánchez Rodríguez, Juan David; Wolff Echeverri, Marta Isabel
2010Habitat-specific constraints on induced hatching in a treefrog with reproductive mode plasticityUrbina González, Jenny; Touchon, Justin C.; Warkentin, Karen M.
2014Formation, habitability, and detection of extrasolar moonsZuluaga Callejas, Jorge Iván; Heller, René; Williams, Darren; Kipping, David; Limbach, Mary Anne; Turner, Edwin; Greenberg, Richard; Sasaki, Takanori; Bolmont, Émeline; Grasset, Olivier; Lewis, Karen; Barnes, Rory
2020Synthetic Peptide ∆M4-Induced Cell Death Associated with Cytoplasmic Membrane Disruption, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Melanoma CellsPatiño González, Edwin Bairon; Santa González, Gloria Angélica; Manrique Moreno, Marcela María
2020Synergistic Effect of rhBMP-2 Protein and Nanotextured Titanium Alloy Surface to Improve Osteogenic Implant PropertiesPatiño González, Edwin Bairon; Mesa Restrepo, Andrea; Civantos, Ana; Allain, Jean Paul; Alzate, Juan Fernando; Balcázar, Norman; Montes Gómez, Robinson; Pavón Palacio, Juan José; Rodríguez Ortiz, José Antonio; Torres Hernández, Yadir
2022In Vitro and In Silico Antistaphylococcal Activity of Indole Alkaloids Isolated from Tabernaemontana cymosa Jacq (Apocynaceae)Quiñones Fletcher, Wiston; Pájaro González, Yina; Cabrera Barraza, Julián; Martelo Ramírez, Geraldine; Oliveros Díaz, Andrés F.; Urrego Álvarez, Juan; Díaz Castillo, Fredy C.
2022Sodium-calcium exchanger-3 regulates pain ‘‘wind- up’’: From human psychophysics to spinal mech- anismsRamírez Aristeguieta, Luis Miguel; Bedoya Berrío, Gabriel de Jesús; Ruíz Linares, Andrés; Patel, Ryan; Polgár, Erika; Chisholm, Kim I.; Middleton, Steven J.; Boyle, Kieran; Dickie, Allen C.; Semizoglou, Evangelia; Pérez Sánchez, Jimena; Bell, Andrew M.; Trendafilova, Teodora; Khoury, Samar; Ivanov, Aleksandar; Wildner, Hendrik; Ferris, Eleanor; Chacón Duque, Juan Camilo; Sokolow, Sophie; Saad Boghdady, Mohamed A.; Herchuelz, André; Faux, Pierre; Poletti, Giovanni; Rothhammer, Francisco; Gallo, Carla; Adhikari, Kaustubh; Ulrich Zeilhofer, Hanns; Diatchenko, Luda; McMahon, Stephen B.; Todd, Andrew J.; Dickenson, Anthony H.; Schmid, Annina B.; Bennett, David L.
2023Sargassum filipendula, a Source of Bioactive Compounds with Antioxidant and Matrix Metalloproteinases Inhibition Activities In Vitro with Potential Dermocosmetic ApplicationLuna Pérez, Yonadys; Ríos López, Lady Giselle; Otero Tejada, Elver Luis; Mejía Giraldo, Juan Camilo; Puertas Mejía, Miguel Ángel
2016A genome-wide association scan in admixed Latin Americans identifies loci influencing facial and scalp hair featuresJaramillo Alzate, Claudia Milena; Adhikari, Kaustubh; Fontanil, Tania; Cal, Santiago; Mendoza Revilla, Javier; Fuentes Guajardo, Macarena; Chacón Duque, Juan Camilo; Al Saadi, Farah; Johansson, Jeanette A; Quinto Sanchez, Mirsha; Acuña Alonzo, Victor; Arias Pérez, William Hernán; Barquera Lozano, Rodrigo; Macín Pérez, Gastón; Gómez Valdés, Jorge; Villamil Ramírez, Hugo; Hunemeier, Tábita; Ramallo, Virginia; Silva de Cerqueira, Caio C.; Hurtado, Malena; Villegas, Valeria; Granja, Vanessa; Gallo, Carla; Poletti, Giovanni; Schuler Faccini, Lavinia; Salzano, Francisco M.; Bortolini, Maria Cátira; Canizales Quinteros, Samuel; Rothhammer, Francisco; Bedoya Berrío, Gabriel de Jesús; González José, Rolando; Headon, Denis; López Otín, Carlos; Tobin, Desmond J.; Balding, David; Ruiz Linares, Andrés
2011Immature stages and natural history of the Andean butterfly Altinote ozomene (Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae: Acraeini)Duque Vélez, Patricia; Vargas Montoya, Hugo Hernando; Wolff Echeverri, Marta Isabel
2013The Kinematics of the Local Group in a Cosmological ContextBustamante Jaramillo, Sebastián; Forero Romero, J. E.; Hoffman, Y.; Gottlober, S.; Yepes, G.
2013Experimental double random phase encoding technique under a joint transforms correlator architectureBarrera Ramírez, John Fredy; Tebaldi, Myrian; Torroba, Roberto
2023Reaching new environments through illegal trade: evidence of a widely traded turtle in ColombiaToro Cardona, Felipe Andrés; Arango Lozano, Julián; Patiño Siro, Dahian
2022Contribution to a reference library of DNA barcodes of Colombian freshwater fishesMejía Estrada, Manuela; Soto Calderón, Iván Darío; Jiménez Segura, Luz Fernanda; Hernández Zapata, Marcela
2023Harmonic-Gaussian Symmetric and Asymmetric Double Quantum Wells: Magnetic Field EffectsDuque Echeverri, Carlos Alberto; Kasapoglu, Esin; Yücel, Melike Behiye
2023Genetic diversity and structure of Brycon henni in regulated and non- regulated water flow rivers of the Colombian AndesSoto Calderón, Iván Darío; Herrera Pérez, Juliana; Jiménez Segura, Luz Fernanda; Márquez, E. J.; Campo Nieto, Omer
2014Structural effects of the Solanum steroids solasodine, diosgenin and solanine on human erythrocytes and molecular models of eukaryotic membranesManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Londoño Londoño, Julián Alberto; Jemioła Rzemińska, Małgorzata; Strzałka, Kazimierz; Villena, Fernando; Avello, Marcia; Suwalsky, Mario
2017Sex identification of neotropical macaws (Ara spp.) from invasive and non-invasive samplesFranco Gutiérrez, Lady Johana; Soto Calderón, Iván Darío; Álvarez Cardona, Jóhnatan
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 1465