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dc.contributor.advisorValderrama Arboleda, Mateo-
dc.contributor.authorOrrego Muñoz, Gabriel Jaime-
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN: En la presente investigación se pretende recuperar, a través de narrativas tanto escritas, orales, dibujadas o construidas socialmente, los sentidos de memoria, olvido y resignificación que han tejido miembros de la comunidad de la vereda La Chorrera con posterioridad a la masacre que sufrieron en el año 2000. Para lograr dicho objetivo, los aportes de la pedagogía social, el trabajo comunitario y la reflexión crítica, cobran relevancia en el sentido de posibilitar resignificaciones entre los miembros de la comunidad y dirigidos a las posteriores generaciones. En esa perspectiva, el paradigma cualitativo con enfoque hermenéutico narrativo, resulta pertinente en la medida en que permite adentrarse en las construcciones colectivas, con un enfoque cualitativo que se inserta en las realidades de los sujetos en el contexto y el método narrativo, que contribuye a develar los relatos de diversa índole, situados en sus prácticas sociales. Dicho método se apoya en las técnicas de la entrevista en profundidad, historia de vida y el taller, donde están inmersas las técnicas interactivas. Esto llevará a plantear reflexiones que se inscriben en los sentidos de la pedagogía social desde su ámbito de aplicación en América Latina. ABSTRACT: This research aims to recover, through written, oral, drawn or socially constructed narratives, the meanings of memory, oblivion and resignification that members of the community of the village of La Chorrera have woven after the massacre they suffered in 2000. To achieve this objective, the contributions of social pedagogy, community work and critical reflection become relevant in the sense of enabling resignifications among the members of the community and directed to later generations. In this perspective, the qualitative paradigm with a narrative hermeneutic approach is pertinent to the extent that it allows entering into the collective constructions, with a qualitative approach that is inserted in the realities of the subjects in the context and the narrative method, which contributes to unveil the stories of various kinds, located in their social practices. This method is based on in-depth interview techniques, life history and workshop, where interactive techniques are immersed. This will lead to reflections that are inscribed in the meanings of social pedagogy from its scope of application in Latin America.spa
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: This research aims to recover, through written, oral, drawn or socially constructed narratives, the meanings of memory, oblivion and resignification that members of the community of the village of La Chorrera have woven after the massacre they suffered in 2000. To achieve this objective, the contributions of social pedagogy, community work and critical reflection become relevant in the sense of enabling resignifications among the members of the community and directed to later generations. In this perspective, the qualitative paradigm with a narrative hermeneutic approach is pertinent to the extent that it allows entering into the collective constructions, with a qualitative approach that is inserted in the realities of the subjects in the context and the narrative method, which contributes to unveil the stories of various kinds, located in their social practices. This method is based on in-depth interview techniques, life history and workshop, where interactive techniques are immersed. This will lead to reflections that are inscribed in the meanings of social pedagogy from its scope of application in Latin America.spa
dc.titleEntre la memoria y el olvido: tejidos que narran comunidad al interior de la vereda La Chorrera, como ruta de resignificación vital emergida desde las marcas de dolor que deja la guerraspa
thesis.degree.nameMagister en Educación : Línea Pedagogía Socialspa
thesis.degree.disciplineFacultad de Educación. Maestría en Educaciónspa
thesis.degree.grantorUniversidad de Antioquiaspa
dc.publisher.placeMedellín, Colombiaspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Maestríaspa
dc.subject.unescoAcción comunitaria-
dc.subject.unescoCommunity action-
dc.subject.lembConflicto armado-
dc.subject.proposalPedagogía socialspa
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestrías de la Facultad de Educación

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