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Título : The Impact of Process Genre Based Approach in students Written Competence
Autor : Valencia Osorio, Leidy Yurany
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Yepes Ochoa, Juan Fernando
metadata.dc.subject.*: Método de aprendizaje
Learning methods
Método de enseñanza
Teaching methods
Investigación acción
Action research
Inglés - enseñanza
English language - study and teaching
Enfoque basado en el género
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Citación : Valencia Osorio, L.Y. (2017) The Impact of Process Genre Based Approach in students Written Competence (Trabajo de Grado). Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia.
Resumen : ABSTRACT: This work was an action research project developed with the intention of understanding the impact of Process Genre based Approach in sixth graders’ English writing competence at Alfred Binet school. The information for this project was collected through journals, student’s writings, and cartographies; and the analysis of all this gathered information showed students had difficulties to write in English. After the implementation of the approach mentioned before, it was found three outcomes: 1. The approach fostered student’s positive attitude in English classes; 2. Student’s opinion about writing changed favorably; and 3. Students writing improved considerably in their last writings of the project.
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras

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