Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras : [219] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 219
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2024Effects of the Implementation of Inquiry-Based Learning in Relation to Students’ AutonomyArias Cardenas, Thomas Andrey; Obregón Alvarez, Margarita Rosa
2024L’enseignement des Langues Basée sur les Tâches comme alternative pour l’Introduction au FLEBarrera Patiño, Juan David
2024Expériences dans l’Apprentissage du FLE en Utilisant des Matériels Encadrés dans l’Approche Communicative InterculturelleBejarano Barrera, Yeida Lizeth
2024Promoting Student Engagement and Oral Proficiency in English Through the Implementation of Task-Based Learning(TBL)Cárdenas Arroyave, Maria Camila
2024Enrichir le COENSEIGNEMENT du FLE par le Biais de la Création et Adaptation des SUPPORTS PédagogiquesCastro Pulido, Laura Fernanda; Guerra Vélez, Mateo
2024Pre-service English teachers’ identity construction, and its manifestation in the teaching practices during the practicum cycleCorrea Atehortúa, Alejandro; Rojas Moreno, Camila
2024Semer la langue: un Projet -de Plantes- pour promouvoir l’Apprentissage du FLE et le Travail en GroupeEcheverri Aguirre, Sebastián
2024Language Games to Improve Students’ Classroom InteractionsFernández Silva, Daniela del Carmen
2024Implementing Learner-Centered Lessons to Stimulate Collaborative LearningFranco Betancur, Valentina
2024Boosting Oral Production of Tenth Graders Through Visual Imagery-based MaterialsJaramillo Urrego, Miguel Ángel
2024Using authentic material through an online platform to improve speaking skills performance in a group of childrenLópez Arroyave, Valentina
2024Elementary School and Pre-service Teachers Learning and Teaching Together Immersed in an English Community of PracticeMartínez Palacio, Anderson; Cuervo Quiroz, Cristian; Pérez Giraldo, Juan Pablo
2024I.Améliorer l’Expérience FLE : L’Impact de l'Intégration de l'Intelligence Artificielle dans l'Apprentissage du Français Langue Étrangère chez un groupe d’Adolescentes à Alliance Française de Medellín.Molina Zapata, Valeria
2024Enhancing English Language Learning Process through Drama Activities : A Focus on Oral ProductionRamírez Betancur, Angela Yurani
2024How to Enhance Speaking Skills in an EFL Class Through Flipped LearningMúnera Agudelo, Jefferson Andrés
2024Exploring the Effects of Individual Formative Feedback on the Writing of Descriptive Texts among PINJ Level 2 StudentsOsorio Taborda, Maria Isabel
2024La Bande Dessinée comme une Méthode Dynamique dans l’Apprentissage du FLEQuiceno Agudelo, Robinson Alexandro
2024Implementing a Process-Based approach to enhance writing skills in 1st and 2nd gradersRomero Orrego, Lina Michel
2024Using Storytelling to Enhance Critical ListeningSanchez Bedoya, Yenni Catalina
2023Opportunities and Challenges that the Implementation of Group Work Activities Bring to Promote Fifth Graders’ Interaction in the English ClassRamírez León, Deisy Juliet
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 219