Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2025 | Effect of lachnanthocarpone on the structural and functional properties of a protein-starch-based film: a promising alternative for active packaging | Ramírez Álvarez, Milanyela; Mesa López, Kevin Camilo; Duarte Correa, Yudy Stella; Mesías Álvarez, Ricardo Esteban; Granda Restrepo, Diana María |
2025 | Development of a dermal nanoemulsion with antioxidants derived from rice residues using an HLD theory approach | Vargas Escobar, Paola; Flórez Acosta, Oscar Albeiro; Quintero Rincón, Patricia |
2022 | Physicochemical properties and functional characteristics of ultrasound-assisted legume-protein isolates: a comparative study | Ciro Gómez, Gelmy Luz; Quintero Quiroz, Julián; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo; Torres Oquendo, Juan Diego; Celis Torres, Angélica; Corrales García, Ligia Luz |
2025 | Exploring the potential of spray-dried blackberry powder enriched with zinc and folic acid as a nutritional alternative for children and pregnant women | Vega Castro, Oscar Alfonso; Vargas Marulanda, Diego Alejandro; Castro Tobón, Santiago; Vallejo Marulanda, Laura Camila; Vanegas Arboleda, Valentina; Henao González, Daniel Alberto; Gómez Narváez, Fáver Alexánder |
2021 | Revisión, diseño y construcción de un instrumento de medición para evaluar las competencias laborales del personal farmacéutico ambulatorio | Ceballos Rueda, Javier Mauricio; Salazar Ospina, Andrea; Amariles Muñoz, Pedro |
2020 | Comparative evaluation of the effects of consumption of colombian agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) on insulin resistance, antioxidant capacity, and markers of oxidation and inflammation, between men and women with metabolic syndrome | Barona Acevedo, María Jacqueline; Galvis Pérez, Yeisson Anibal; Marín Echeverri, Catalina; Franco Escobar, Claudia Patricia; Aristizábal Rivera, Juan Carlos; Fernández, Maria Luz |
2018 | Sugarcane powder biofortified with kefir grains: effect of spray drying process | Largo Ávila, Esteban; Cortés Rodríguez, Misael; Salazar Alzate, Blanca Cecilia |
2023 | Validación de los criterios explícitos para la prescripción inadecuada: STOPP/START y Beers, para su aplicación en Colombia | Granados Vega, Elkyn Johan; Arroyave García, Olga Lucía; Giraldo Gallo, Erika Alejandra; Segura Cardona, Ángela María |
2021 | Perspectivas tecnológicas y nutricionales de la quinua (Chenopodium quinoa): un pseudocereal andino funcional | Franco Aguilar, Alejandro; Arias Giraldo, Sebastián; Anaya García, Sugey Elena; Muñoz Quintero, Daniel |
2024 | Effectiveness of drug repurposing and natural products against SARS-CoV-2: A comprehensive review | Galeano Jaramillo, Elkin de Jesús; Velásquez Bedoya, Paula Andrea; Hernández López, Juan Carlos; Hincapié García, Jaime Alejandro; Rugeles López, María Teresa; Zapata Builes, Wildeman |
2024 | Effect of the structural modification of plant proteins as microencapsulating agents of bioactive compounds from annatto seeds (Bixa orellana L.) | Quintero Quiroz, Julián; Ciro Gómez, Gelmy Luz; Torres Oquendo, Juan Diego; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo; Delgado, Efrén; Velázquez, Víctor |
2024 | In-depth immunorecognition and neutralization analyses of Micrurus mipartitus and M. dumerilii venoms and toxins by a commercial antivenom | Cardona Ruda, Ana María; Piedrahita Pérez, Juan Diego; Pereañez Jiménez, Jaime Andrés; Rey Suárez, Jessica Paola |
2024 | Short antimicrobial peptide derived from the venom gland transcriptome of pamphobeteus verdolaga increases gentamicin susceptibility of multidrug-resistant klebsiella pneumoniae | Salinas Restrepo, Cristian Felipe; Naranjo Durán, Ana María; Quintana Castillo, Juan Carlos; Bueno Sánchez, Julio Cesar; Guzmán Quimbayo, Fanny; Hoyos Palacio, Lina Marcela; Segura Latorre, Cesar |
2023 | Antimicrobial activity of Bothrops asper and Porthidium nasutum venom on purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis) phytopathogens | Núñez Rangel, Vitelbina; Rey Suárez, Jessica Paola; Serna González, Alejandro; Gómez Robles, Jeisson; Rey Torres, Armando; Morales, Estefanía |
2023 | Consumption of eggs alone or enriched with annatto (bixa orellana l.) does not increase cardiovascular risk in healthy adults. A randomized clinical trial, the eggant study | Galvis Pérez, Yeisson Anibal; Pineda, Keilly; Zapata Marín, Juliana; Aristizábal Rivera, Juan Carlos; Estrada Restrepo, Alejandro; Fernández, María Luz; Barona Acevedo, María Jacqueline |
2024 | Optimization of fractionation with membranes of antioxidant enzymatic hydrolysate of Californian red worm (Eisenia fetida) protein | Zapata Montoya, José Edgar; Gaviria Gaviria, Yhoan Sebastián |
2024 | Antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of enzymatic hydrolysates from red tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) viscera | Zapata Montoya, José Edgar; Gómez Sampedro, Leidy Johanna |
2024 | In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo antihypertensive evaluation of enzymatic hydrolysates of Californian red worm (Eisenia fetida) proteins | Gaviria Gaviria, Yhoan Sebastián; Zapata Montoya, José Edgar; Guerra Almonacid, Carlos Martín |
2024 | Effect of fortification with CaCO3 nanoparticles obtained from eggshell on the physical and sensory characteristics of three food matrices | Gómez Álvarez, Luz Marina; Zapata Montoya, José Edgar |
2024 | Ecological footprint of different laying hen production systems in San Jeronimo municipality Antioquia, Colombia | Gaviria Gaviria, Yhoan Sebastián; Zapata Montoya, José Edgar; Londoño, L. F. |