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Título : Exploring the Effects of Critical Pedagogy-Based Teaching Materials on the Adoption of a Critical Stance Towards Social Issues
Autor : Cadavid Jiménez, Maria José
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Castaño Roldán, Juan David
metadata.dc.subject.*: Action research
English language - study and teaching
Public schools
Secondary school students
Estudiante de secundaria
Critical pedagogy
Teaching materials
Escuelas publicas – Colombia
Investigación acción
Materiales educativos
Pedagogía crítica
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Resumen : ABSTRACT: This case study aimed at exploring the effects EFL Critical Pedagogy-based materials had on sixth graders’ adoption of a critical stance toward social issues, specifically, stereotypes related to people’s place of origin. The thirty-nine students who participated in this study belong to a 6°C class of I.E.E. Normal Superior María Auxiliadora, a public school in Copacabana, Antioquia. Actions included were describing the context, choosing the topic according to the curriculum, designing and implementing materials supported by the Problem Posing framework, and preparing students in terms of the linguistic elements required. Findings suggest that the implementation of such materials helped students both improve their linguistic proficiency, as well as be able to realize the following three principles of Critical Pedagogy: a) problematizing situations, b) examining multiple perspectives in situations c) proposing actions to challenge the status quo in situations.
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras

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