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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Conflict Resolution Strategies: an Opportunity to Build Conflict Resolution Skills through Collaborative LearningCardozo Andrade, Maira Brigith
2023Contextualization of Class Material to Promote Meaningful LearningCardona Orozco, Willington
2022Enhancing Students’ Oral Production by Using Drama ActivitiesMuñoz Arenas, Leonel
2023Enhancing Writing as Social Situated Practice Through Critical Media LiteracyLópez Pérez, Brenda Margarita
2023Fostering Behavioral Engagement Using Problem-Based Learning in a group of Night School Students in El Santurario, AntioquiaGarzón Guayabo, Emely Alejandra
2022Fostering EFL Learners’ Oral Production through Task-Based Learning ApproachFlórez Patiño, Valeria
2023Fostering Spontaneous Spoken Discourse Through Class DebatesAlzate Patiño, Jonatan
2023Fostering Students’ Critical Awareness Through Critical Media LiteracyMuñoz Agudelo, Santiago
2023Gamification a way to Improve Social Management and Self-efficacyRíos Ramírez, Kevin Eduardo
2022Identifying and Reflecting on Representations of Indigenous People and Peasants using Critical Multimodal StorytellingJurado Castaño, María Valentina
2022Identifying Opportunities and Challenges on Vocabulary Learning within Differentiated InstructionSuárez Areiza, Juan Camilo
2022Improving Low-Level First-grade Students’ Performance in English in a Heterogeneous Group by Implementing Cooperative LearningCalle Franco, Laura Isabel
2022Improving Low-level third-grade students’ performance in English in a Heterogeneous Group by Implementing Cooperative LearningLópez Castaño, Marisol
2023Improving Oral Production Through Interactions in a Task-Based ApproachPiedrahita Cardona, Diego Hernán
2023Improving Writing Skills through the Writing Process Approach : from Theory to PracticeZapata Mejía, Eduardo Andrés
2023Opportunities and Challenges that Class Agreements Bring to Lowering Fifth Graders’ Disruptive BehaviorGuerra Pérez, Lina María
2023Opportunities and Challenges that the use of Universal Design for Learning brings to the enhancement of fourth graders’ speaking skill at a public institution in Rionegro - AntioquiaQuiroz Tabares, Ángela María
2022Promoting Collaborative Learning through Student Centered Approach with Project WorkHurtado Ramírez, Elizabeth
2023Promoting Critical Spoken Reflections about Women Farmers Using Community-Based ProjectCastro Bedoya, Maria Isabel
2022Promoting Critical Thinking through Task-Based InstructionRamírez Rincón, Ana María