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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.advisorGarzón Agudelo, Diego Leandro-
dc.contributor.authorDelgado Villegas, Katherine-
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN: Esta investigación implicó comprender las experiencias de mediación de la lectura literaria vividas por dos maestros y un mediador de lectura durante el periodo de confinamiento por el Covid-19, como precedentes de un cambio en la concepción de la mediación de la lectura literaria en los contextos escolares y no escolares. Lo anterior abordado desde una mirada fenomenológico-hermenéutica que privilegió la inmersión en la vida cotidiana de aquellos en el contexto de crisis generado por la pandemia del 2020 en escenarios de formación como la escuela y la biblioteca pública. Apliqué la técnica del registro escrito de anécdotas personales que en FH se conocen como protocolos, textos originales de los participantes derivados de sus experiencias y que simbolizan una de las herramientas con la cual se pone al descubierto los significados ocultos de lo vivido. Las anécdotas personales, las entrevistas semiestructuradas, la recuperación de registros audiovisuales, así como algunas elaboraciones de los estudiantes lectores surgidas en los espacios de lectura habilitados por maestros y mediadores en el confinamiento permitieron develar el componente emocional que permeó el ejercicio de la lectura literaria, así como los aspectos socioeconómicos que injirieron en esta. A modo no de cierre sino de apertura, esta investigación reafirma la idea de la función social y emocional de la mediación de la lectura literaria, la cual, en tiempos de cambios y situaciones inusuales, como el confinamiento, significó un refugio para los lectores desempeñando un papel vital para la adaptación y la resiliencia de las personas. ABSTRACT: This research involved understanding the experiences of mediation of literary reading lived by two teachers and a reading mediator during the period of confinement due to Covid-19, as precedents for a change in the conception of the mediation of literary reading in both scholar and non-schoolar contexts. This was approached from a phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective that privileged immersion in the daily life of those in the crisis context generated by the 2020 pandemic, in education scenaries such as schools and public libraries. I applied the technique of written recording of personal anecdotes that in the PH perspective are known as protocols, original texts from the participants derived from their experiences and that symbolize one of the tools with which the hidden meanings of what they experienced are revealed. The personal anecdotes, the semi-structured interviews, the recovery of audiovisual records, as well as some elaborations by the readers students that emerged in the reading spaces enabled by teachers and mediators in confinement allowed us to reveal the emotional component that permeated the exercise of literary reading, as well as the socioeconomic aspects that influenced it. Not as a closing but an opening, this research reaffirms the idea of the social and emotional function of the mediation of literary reading, which, in times of change and unusual situations, such as confinement, meant a refuge for readers by playing a vital role for people's adaptation and resilience.spa
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: This research involved understanding the experiences of mediation of literary reading lived by two teachers and a reading mediator during the period of confinement due to Covid-19, as precedents for a change in the conception of the mediation of literary reading in both scholar and non-schoolar contexts. This was approached from a phenomenological-hermeneutic perspective that privileged immersion in the daily life of those in the crisis context generated by the 2020 pandemic, in education scenaries such as schools and public libraries. I applied the technique of written recording of personal anecdotes that in the PH perspective are known as protocols, original texts from the participants derived from their experiences and that symbolize one of the tools with which the hidden meanings of what they experienced are revealed. The personal anecdotes, the semistructured interviews, the recovery of audiovisual records, as well as some elaborations by the readers students that emerged in the reading spaces enabled by teachers and mediators in confinement allowed us to reveal the emotional component that permeated the exercise of literary reading, as well as the socioeconomic aspects that influenced it. Not as a closing but an opening, this research reaffirms the idea of the social and emotional function of the mediation of literary reading, which, in times of change and unusual situations, such as confinement, meant a refuge for readers by playing a vital role for people's adaptation and resilience.spa
dc.titleExperiencias de mediación de la lectura literaria en el contexto escolar y la biblioteca : refugios literarios en tiempos de confinamientospa
thesis.degree.nameMagister en Educación : Línea Enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literaturaspa
thesis.degree.disciplineFacultad de Educación. Maestría en Educaciónspa
thesis.degree.grantorUniversidad de Antioquiaspa
dc.publisher.placeMedellín, Colombiaspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Maestríaspa
dc.subject.unescoBiblioteca pública-
dc.subject.unescoPublic libraries-
dc.subject.proposalMediación de lectura literariaspa
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestrías de la Facultad de Educación

Ficheros en este ítem:
Fichero Descripción Tamaño Formato  
DelgadoKatherine_2023_MediaciónLecturaConfinamiento.pdfTesis de maestría1.97 MBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir
Anexos.pdfAnexos2.22 MBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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