Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras - Campus Oriente : [54] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 54
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Promoting Classroom Interaction in English through Scaffolding Strategies, Meaningful Materials and GenresRestrepo Buitrago, Karen Elisa
2023Projets collaboratifs promouvant l'interaction verbales des apprenantsValencia Valencia, Sara Yulieth
2023Gamification a way to Improve Social Management and Self-efficacyRíos Ramírez, Kevin Eduardo
2023Développement de l'expression orale en FLE par la chansonSerna Patiño, Maria Valentina
2023Improving Writing Skills through the Writing Process Approach : from Theory to PracticeZapata Mejía, Eduardo Andrés
2023Opportunities and Challenges of Using Community-based Pedagogy to Foster Meaningful Learning of English in a Context of Escuela NuevaArana Castrillón, Valeria
2023To Examine How Task-Based Language Teaching May Improve Sixth-Grade Students’ Speaking Skills in a Public Institution in La CejaArroyave Molina, Mauricio Andrés
2023Opportunities and Challenges that Class Agreements Bring to Lowering Fifth Graders’ Disruptive BehaviorGuerra Pérez, Lina María
2023Le rôle actif et la motivation dans l’apprentissage de FLELópez Gómez, Karen Dahiana
2023Promoting Critical Spoken Reflections about Women Farmers Using Community-Based ProjectCastro Bedoya, Maria Isabel
2023Fostering Behavioral Engagement Using Problem-Based Learning in a group of Night School Students in El Santurario, AntioquiaGarzón Guayabo, Emely Alejandra
2023Translanguaging-Mediated Input, Response, and Feedback for a Positive Learning EnvironmentGuarín Gómez, Isabella
2023Conflict Resolution Strategies: an Opportunity to Build Conflict Resolution Skills through Collaborative LearningCardozo Andrade, Maira Brigith
2023The Show Must Go On! Exploring Students’ Self-confidence Position by Using Theater in the EFL ClassRamírez Botero, Estefanía
2023Représentations culturelles par le biais d’une approche interculturelle critique chez les apprenants d’un cours de Français IICarvajal Castaño, Natalia Andrea
2023Analyzing the Evolution of Teacher-Student Interactions: A BAK-to-BAK Pre-service Teacher AutoethnographyPlaza Olano, José David
2023Opportunities and Challenges that the use of Universal Design for Learning brings to the enhancement of fourth graders’ speaking skill at a public institution in Rionegro - AntioquiaQuiroz Tabares, Ángela María
2023Improving Oral Production Through Interactions in a Task-Based ApproachPiedrahita Cardona, Diego Hernán
2023Fostering Students’ Critical Awareness Through Critical Media LiteracyMuñoz Agudelo, Santiago
2023Enhancing Writing as Social Situated Practice Through Critical Media LiteracyLópez Pérez, Brenda Margarita
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 54