Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras - Campus Oriente : [54] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 54
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Using Corrective Feedback to Enhance Oral ProductionBotero Bedoya, Kelly Aracelly
2023Contextualization of Class Material to Promote Meaningful LearningCardona Orozco, Willington
2023Fostering Spontaneous Spoken Discourse Through Class DebatesAlzate Patiño, Jonatan
2022Enhancing Students’ Oral Production by Using Drama ActivitiesMuñoz Arenas, Leonel
2022Fostering EFL Learners’ Oral Production through Task-Based Learning ApproachFlórez Patiño, Valeria
2022Improving Low-Level First-grade Students’ Performance in English in a Heterogeneous Group by Implementing Cooperative LearningCalle Franco, Laura Isabel
2022Identifying Opportunities and Challenges on Vocabulary Learning within Differentiated InstructionSuárez Areiza, Juan Camilo
2022Improving Low-level third-grade students’ performance in English in a Heterogeneous Group by Implementing Cooperative LearningLópez Castaño, Marisol
2022The Influence of a Humanistic Approach to Classroom Management on Third-grade Students’ BehaviorGiraldo Salazar, Liceth Verónica
2022Promoting Critical Thinking through Task-Based InstructionRamírez Rincón, Ana María
2022Identifying and Reflecting on Representations of Indigenous People and Peasants using Critical Multimodal StorytellingJurado Castaño, María Valentina
2022Using Tasks with Some Principles of Emancipatory Education to Improve English Oral ProductionCardona Ríos, Carolina
2022Promoting Collaborative Learning through Student Centered Approach with Project WorkHurtado Ramírez, Elizabeth
2021How can Dance and Drama in the English Class Promote Fourth Graders’ Oral Production?Vallejo Castaño, Liseth
2021Lectures numériques illustratives pour la compréhension et rétention du vocabulaire inconnu chez les apprenants d’un cours virtuel de français IVArcila Castrillón, Laura
2021Impact of Positive Feedback, Based on a Humanistic Approach, on the Learning Process of a 10th Grade EFL Course at a Public High School in the East of AntioquiaGiraldo Baena, Santiago
2021Implementing Videos and Songs to Enhance Listening and Oral Skills in Third GradersLópez Cardona, Daniela
2021Autonomy Challenges Facing Hybrid Education ModelMarín Muñoz, Edwin
2020Implementing Activities Following the PPP Stages in a 10th Grade EFL Class to Foster Speaking SkillTamayo Galvis, Santiago
2020Fostering Students’ Critical Awareness of Social Issues Under the Principles of Freire’s Problem-Posing EducationJiménez Salazar, Erika
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 54