Buscar por Autor Arias Patiño, Natalia

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021Autonomy Challenges Facing Hybrid Education ModelMarín Muñoz, Edwin
2023Enhancing Writing as Social Situated Practice Through Critical Media LiteracyLópez Pérez, Brenda Margarita
2020Exploring Critical Literacy Activities to Promote Students' Adoption of Critical Stances Toward Texts in an EFL ClassGiraldo Narváez, Luz Elena
2019Fostering a Student-Centered Class Throug the Design and Use of MaterialsHernández Jaramillo, Cristian Andrés
2019Fostering Learners’ Skills to Self-Regulate Their Learning through Enquiry-Based LearningArango Montes, Rodolfo
2022Fostering Oral Skills in English through GamificationGonzález Londoño, Juan Carlos
2019Fostering Students’ Capacity to Reflect Through Formative Assessment StrategiesOrrego Restrepo, Lizeth Elena
2023Gamification a way to Improve Social Management and Self-efficacyRíos Ramírez, Kevin Eduardo
2021How can Dance and Drama in the English Class Promote Fourth Graders’ Oral Production?Vallejo Castaño, Liseth
2022Identifying and Reflecting on Representations of Indigenous People and Peasants using Critical Multimodal StorytellingJurado Castaño, María Valentina
2022Identifying Opportunities and Challenges on Vocabulary Learning within Differentiated InstructionSuárez Areiza, Juan Camilo
2022Increasing Students' Engagement through Cooperative LearningPatiño Barrera, Angie Paola
2020Making Heritages Available : Using Translanguaging to Foster 6th Graders’ Reading ComprehensionEspinosa Muñoz, Marlon David
2023Opportunities and Challenges of Using Community-based Pedagogy to Foster Meaningful Learning of English in a Context of Escuela NuevaArana Castrillón, Valeria
2023Opportunities and Challenges that the use of Universal Design for Learning brings to the enhancement of fourth graders’ speaking skill at a public institution in Rionegro - AntioquiaQuiroz Tabares, Ángela María
2020Reinforcing Ninth Graders’ Oral Production through Multiliteracies ApproachVillegas Henao, Yury Dinency
2020Task Based Learning Approach to Foster EFL Learners’ Listening and Speaking SkillsZuluaga Franco, Santiago
2017Using a Critical Media Literacy Approach to Analyze Media Texts in an English Class for ChildrenArias Patiño, Natalia
2023Using Corrective Feedback to Enhance Oral ProductionBotero Bedoya, Kelly Aracelly
2022Using Tasks with Some Principles of Emancipatory Education to Improve English Oral ProductionCardona Ríos, Carolina