Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras : [219] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 219
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017Lyrics and Songs to Improve English Oral Production in 6th and 7th GradersDurango Hincapié, Jonathan Andrés
2017How Can Students-centered Classroom Enable Deeper Engagement in a Seventh Grade Course of an ESL Classroom?González Moreno, Luz Elena
2017How to Transform the English Learning Process in a Meaningful Experience Through the Influence of the Target Language in the Students’ Local Context?Cortés Moreno, Laura Johanna
2017Comprehensible Input to Promote Effective Language OutputLópez García, Viviana Aydee
2017Promoting Engagement in the English Language Learning Through the Use of Visual AidsRentería Montoya, Jhoan Manuel
2017Inquiring From Within: Seventh Graders Expand the Uses of LanguagePulgarín Pérez, Anderson Stiven
2017Let's Make Language Learning a Meaningful Experience: Theme Based Teaching for Fourth GradersBravo Ramos, Marticela
2017Hands-on Activities to Foster the Use of EnglishPeña Suárez, Karla Natacha
2017Promoting Interaction in the English Classroom Through the Designing of Board Games With Sixth Graders at a Public SchoolArias Botero, Bryan Steven
2017The Impact of Cooperative Learning in the Oral Production of 4th Grade StudentsBolívar Gallego, Yisela
2017Le développement de la production orale à travers la ludiqueAcosta Echavarría, Paola
2017Implementing Teaching Strategies to Foster Critical Thinking in EFL Comprehension Skills with 7th Grade StudentsAlvarado Medina, Jorge Andrés
2017Implementation of Task-Based Language Learning Approach to Improve PronunciationBedoya Mazo, Luis Miguel
2017La contribution de la musique au développement de l’expression orale en FLE des élèves de la troisième année.Zapata Delgado, Juan Camilo
2017Implementing project based learning to engage 6th grader students in the English class at a public institution in Medellin.Castro Urango, Fernando
2017Designing and Implementing a Project Based Learning Oriented English Syllabus to Help Eighth Graders Improve Their Communicative Skills at a Public School in MedellínMarín Arbeláez, Vanesa
2018Implementing - DAP - Developmentally Appropriate Practices to Increase Second Grade Student Interaction In EFL LearningChavarría Upegui, Leidy Bibiana
2018The Use of Project Work to Improve English Language Competence in an 11th Grade Group at a Public School in MedellinArcila Avendaño, Manuel Salvador
2017The Use of Indirect Corrective Feedback for Improving Written ProductionGómez Muñoz, Diego Armando
2017Increasing CLEI 6 students’ vocabulary through the use of Moodle resources and activitiesMolina Londoño, Felipe
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 219