Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 219
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2017 | Helping Students Develop the Critical Awareness about Discrimination in the Eighth Grade Classroom | Mendoza Bettin, Nelly del Carmen |
2017 | La pensée critique dans le cadre de la rédaction d'histoires de vie chez des adolescentes de onzième année d'une école publique à Medellín | Berrío Rodríguez, Paula Andrea |
2017 | How can Problem-Posing foster meaningful learning experiences for EFL ninth graders? | Andrés Felipe, Sierra Orrego |
2017 | Student-Generated Podcasts and the Development of Speaking Skills in an EFL Sixth-Grade Classroom | Sánchez Durán, Luis Fernando |
2017 | The Impact of Process Genre Based Approach in students Written Competence | Valencia Osorio, Leidy Yurany |
2017 | From Traditional Grammar to Theme-Based: Teaching English with a Purpose | Marín Carvajal, Deisy Carolina |
2018 | Teaching-Learning Materials (TLM’S) to Promote Meaningful Learning in an EFL Young-Learner Group at a Public School in Medellín | Morales Bula, Melisa Andrea |
2016 | Using Some Notions from Ausubel and Cambourne in an EFL Elementary Classroom to Build Up Meaningful Learning | Hernández Jaramillo, Celeny |
2016 | Writing Through Children's Common Experiences | Zapata Arango, Estefany |
2018 | Les cartes heuristiques et la compréhension de lecture | Ocampo Suárez, Paola Fernanda |
2016 | Project Work: An Experiential Journey Towards the Conquer of Self-Confidence | Monsalve Zapata, Juliet |
2016 | The Effects of Implementing a Task-Based Approach to Enhance Student Engagement in a 10th Grade English Class at I.E. Doce de Octubre | Henao Álvarez, Karen Cirley |
2018 | Ma culture et ta culture, développement des compétences de savoir-être chez des enfants | Esquivel Solórzano, Yaritza Paola |
2018 | How to Promote Intercultural Awareness in the Classroom Through Teaching Vocabulary in Kindergarten 5 at UPB School? | Sepúlveda Ríos, Nathalia |
2016 | L’intégration de la ludique et le français pour développer la littératie précoce | Rivera Marín, Yeison Arturo |
2018 | How Can Language Curriculum Theory Be Coherent with Practice Through Task-Based Learning in a Third Grader's EFL Classroom? | Higuita Bustamante, Yhurany Gisela |
2018 | Improving Students' Participation in the English Class by Implementing ICTS | Ciro Arias, Juan Felipe |
2018 | Theme-Based Teaching and Meaningful Learning | Fernández Aguiar, Leidy Johana |
2016 | No English in English Class: Improving Oral Production Through Project-Based Learning in a 7th Grade Class at the Institución Educativa Presbítero Bernardo Montoya | Echeverri Carvajal, Johana |
2018 | To What Extent Does the Use of Formative Assessment Foster Third Graders' Meaningful Learning in an EFL Class? | Giraldo Giraldo, Diana María |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 219