Buscar por Autor Tangarife Sánchez, Astrid

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Behind the Laughter: The Simpsons and Critical Media LiteracyRestrepo Londoño, Santiago
2021Contextualized Materials to Change Attitudes Towards English LearningGómez Alvarez, Diego Alejandro
2021Conversation Circles to Foster InteractionsMicanquer Guaitarilla, Romy Dorelly
2020Cooperative Learning to Improve Group Work EffectivenessVélez Castrillón, Carlos Alberto
2020Fostering Oral Interactions Through VLEsSosa Goez, Elizabeth
2022Fostering Oral Skills in English through GamificationGonzález Londoño, Juan Carlos
2018How Can Language Curriculum Theory Be Coherent with Practice Through Task-Based Learning in a Third Grader's EFL Classroom?Higuita Bustamante, Yhurany Gisela
2017How can Problem-Posing foster meaningful learning experiences for EFL ninth graders?Andrés Felipe, Sierra Orrego
2019How Can Seventh Graders' Self-Confidence to Speak English Be Fostered Through the Use of ICT's at an EFL Public Institution?Yagari Yagari, Diego Alonso
2019How Can the Construction of a Scrapbook Increase Seventh Graders’ Intrinsic Motivation in an EFL Public Institution?Garro Obando, Elizabeth Elena
2019How Can the Formulation of Seventh Graders' Own Word Problems in a CBI Mathematics Class Improve Their Syntactic Linguistic Competence in a Private EFL Context?Elejalde Torres, Daniel
2019How Can the Use of Authentic Materials Foster Second Graders’ Communicative Competence in an EFL Course at a Public Elementary School?Delgado Rojas, Verónica
2018How Do Team Games Tournaments As an Alternative in Assessment Promote Second Grader's Language Achievement in an EFL Class?Serna Heilbron, Andrea
2022Increasing Students' Engagement through Cooperative LearningPatiño Barrera, Angie Paola
2020Literature Circles to Improve Classroom Management in an Overcrowded English ClassCastrillón Jiménez, Ángela María
2020Portfolios to Reflect on Teaching PracticesGaviria Monsalve, Edgar Mauricio
2018To What Extent Does the Use of "Technological Strategies for Classroom Management" (TSCM) Lessen Third Graders' Disruptive Behaviors in an EFL Class?Mejía Agudelo, Juan Esteban
2023Using Cooperative Learning to Increase MotivationMazo González, Hwarang
2014Using Formative Performance Assessment to Foster the Development of Students' English Language Pragmatic CompetenceTangarife Sánchez, Astrid
2020Virtual Learning Environments to Enhance Students’ Positive Attitudes Towards English Learning at Normal Superior de MedellínCardona Sierra, Roberto Andrés