Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras : [195] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 195
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017The Impact of Process Genre Based Approach in students Written CompetenceValencia Osorio, Leidy Yurany
2017From Traditional Grammar to Theme-Based: Teaching English with a PurposeMarín Carvajal, Deisy Carolina
2018Teaching-Learning Materials (TLM’S) to Promote Meaningful Learning in an EFL Young-Learner Group at a Public School in MedellínMorales Bula, Melisa Andrea
2016Using Some Notions from Ausubel and Cambourne in an EFL Elementary Classroom to Build Up Meaningful LearningHernández Jaramillo, Celeny
2016Writing Through Children's Common ExperiencesZapata Arango, Estefany
2018Les cartes heuristiques et la compréhension de lectureOcampo Suárez, Paola Fernanda
2016Project Work: An Experiential Journey Towards the Conquer of Self-ConfidenceMonsalve Zapata, Juliet
2016The Effects of Implementing a Task-Based Approach to Enhance Student Engagement in a 10th Grade English Class at I.E. Doce de OctubreHenao Álvarez, Karen Cirley
2018Ma culture et ta culture, développement des compétences de savoir-être chez des enfantsEsquivel Solórzano, Yaritza Paola
2018How to Promote Intercultural Awareness in the Classroom Through Teaching Vocabulary in Kindergarten 5 at UPB School?Sepúlveda Ríos, Nathalia
2016L’intégration de la ludique et le français pour développer la littératie précoceRivera Marín, Yeison Arturo
2018How Can Language Curriculum Theory Be Coherent with Practice Through Task-Based Learning in a Third Grader's EFL Classroom?Higuita Bustamante, Yhurany Gisela
2018Improving Students' Participation in the English Class by Implementing ICTSCiro Arias, Juan Felipe
2018Theme-Based Teaching and Meaningful LearningFernández Aguiar, Leidy Johana
2016No English in English Class: Improving Oral Production Through Project-Based Learning in a 7th Grade Class at the Institución Educativa Presbítero Bernardo MontoyaEcheverri Carvajal, Johana
2018To What Extent Does the Use of Formative Assessment Foster Third Graders' Meaningful Learning in an EFL Class?Giraldo Giraldo, Diana María
2018Bridging Activities to Promote Collaborative Work and Improve Language Performance in 10 Year-Olds at a Public School in Rionegro, AntioquiaQuintero Álvarez, Daniela
2018How can the use of Project Based Learning respond to the linguistic and cultural needs in a group of 8th graders at the Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco?Arias Gallo, Yuri Alejandra
2018Mon style de vie: Apprentissage du FLE à travers des habitudes sainesBautista Pineda, Luis Fernando
2016To what extent is the Cooperative Learn Work Method beneficial to improve the written production of tenth grade students?Ortiz Montoya, Luis Daniel
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 195