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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 101 a 120 de 195
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020Enhancing English Language Learnings Communicative Production through Open Creative TasksMuñoz Gärtner, Laura Catalina
2020How can Problem Posing Pedagogy help to enhance ninth grade EFL students’ interests and language needs?Gómez, Yulieth Carolina
2020Portfolios to Reflect on Teaching PracticesGaviria Monsalve, Edgar Mauricio
2019Using Theme-Based Approach to Orientate Professional Vocation in EFL Students from 11th Grade at Institución Educativa Francisco Miranda.Campo Agudelo, Sebastián
2019Encouraging Students to Learn English Through Topic-based Approach in a Rural Public School in GuarneGallego Villa, Santiago
2019How Can the Formulation of Seventh Graders' Own Word Problems in a CBI Mathematics Class Improve Their Syntactic Linguistic Competence in a Private EFL Context?Elejalde Torres, Daniel
2019Implementing Content and Language Integrated Learning to Improve 11th Graders English ComprehensionSabogal Puentes, Nelson Leandro
2019Implementation of a Critical Intercultural Approach Based on Women's Roles in MedellínPulgarín Taborda, Hadaluz
2019Methodological Aspects that Influence Differentiated Learning Instruction Implementation in a 5th Grade Group at I.E. San José in Itaguí.Corrales Betancur, Sebastián
2019How Can Seventh Graders' Self-Confidence to Speak English Be Fostered Through the Use of ICT's at an EFL Public Institution?Yagari Yagari, Diego Alonso
2019How Can the Use of Authentic Materials Foster Second Graders’ Communicative Competence in an EFL Course at a Public Elementary School?Delgado Rojas, Verónica
2019How Can the Construction of a Scrapbook Increase Seventh Graders’ Intrinsic Motivation in an EFL Public Institution?Garro Obando, Elizabeth Elena
2019Développement de l’apprentissage autonome à travers l’adaptation du Portfolio Européen des Langues dans la classe de FLE.Díez Moreno, María Clara
2019L'apparence physique abordée selon une démarche interculturelle critique dans un enseignement précoce du FLE à L’institution éducative Alfonso Upegui OrozcoZape Tróchez, John Sebastián
2019La littérature comme déclencheur d’activités d’écriture chez les apprenants débutants de françaisLopera Espinosa, Leidy Marcela
2016How Can the Implementation of a Problem Posing Approach Promote Critical Reflection in the English Class?Vélez Castañeda, Carlos Andrés
2017Lyrics and Songs to Improve English Oral Production in 6th and 7th GradersDurango Hincapié, Jonathan Andrés
2017How Can Students-centered Classroom Enable Deeper Engagement in a Seventh Grade Course of an ESL Classroom?González Moreno, Luz Elena
2017How to Transform the English Learning Process in a Meaningful Experience Through the Influence of the Target Language in the Students’ Local Context?Cortés Moreno, Laura Johanna
2017Comprehensible Input to Promote Effective Language OutputLópez García, Viviana Aydee
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 101 a 120 de 195