Buscar por Autor Arredondo Chaverra, Mary Isabel

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2016Analyzing Comics in the Class of EnglishNieto Vargas, Emmanuel
2022Creating Opportunities for Group Work and Speaking Skills Through Cooperative Learning in an EFL ClassroomVilla Gallego, Sebastián
2019Encouraging Students to Learn English Through Topic-based Approach in a Rural Public School in GuarneGallego Villa, Santiago
2023Engaging Students in Reading Tasks Through the Shared Reading StrategyBetancur Marin, Maria Camila
2020Enhancing English Language Learnings Communicative Production through Open Creative TasksMuñoz Gärtner, Laura Catalina
2020Enhancing Oral Production Skills Through TBL Implementation and Fostering Fellowship in an EFL Class at Seminario Menor de Medellin.Muñoz Jaramillo, Luis Fernando
2023Flipping the English Class Content to Promote Oral Skills in the ClassroomOrrego Hernández, Ana Milé
2023Fostering English Vocabulary Learning Through MnemonicsOrdoñez Madrid, Sara Yazmin
2023Fostering Student Engagement in the English Class Through Game ChoiceChaves Cuaran, Roger Alejandro
2018How to Promote Intercultural Awareness in the Classroom Through Teaching Vocabulary in Kindergarten 5 at UPB School?Sepúlveda Ríos, Nathalia
2019Implementation of a Critical Intercultural Approach Based on Women's Roles in MedellínPulgarín Taborda, Hadaluz
2020Implementing Project-Based Learning Approach Focused on Animal Protection to Promote more Motivational EFL Classes for 5th Graders of a Rural InstitutionSandoval Osorio, Adriana Inés
2022Increasing Fourth Grade Students’ Engagement through Multimodal Resources in a Public EFL ClassroomVanegas Torres, Sara
2020Intercultural Communicative Competence : Reflecting About the Stereotypes Regarding Venezuelan Migrants.Angarita Navarro, María Juliana
2021Promoting a Contextualized Learning Experience Through the Implementation of PBA and the Use of Authentic Materials in Fourth-graders at Juan María CéspedesGrisales Lara, Luisa Fernanda
2018Promoting critical cultural awareness in ESL classes through rock and roll music content based workshopsOsorno Palacio, Juan Pablo
2021Promoting Productive English Skills as a Foreign Language through Interaction Activities with Fifth Grade Students of the I.E. The PlayónAlzate Castro, Jenny Julieth
2018Teaching-Learning Materials (TLM’S) to Promote Meaningful Learning in an EFL Young-Learner Group at a Public School in MedellínMorales Bula, Melisa Andrea
2022The Enhancement of English Oral Production in an 11th Grade at Centro Formativo de Antioquia Through the Use of the Storytelling StrategyMonsalve Vallejo, Sara
2018Theme-Based Teaching and Meaningful LearningFernández Aguiar, Leidy Johana