Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras : [221] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 221
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2018Strategies that Improve the Language Learning Experience of Seventh Graders with Deficit and Lack of Attention in the English ClassCeballos Zapata, Karina Andrea
2016Adjusting to my SchoolSalazar Villegas, Ana María
2018Project-Based Learning: Sixth Graders Explore an Environmental Problem in an EFL ClassViana Jiménez, Ana María
2018Le développement de la production orale chez élèves de dixième année à l'Institution Éducative Javiera Londoño à travers la pédagogie basée sur la tâcheSoler Parra, Yerson Fabián
2016Promoting Environmental Awareness in the English Class Using Task-Based TeachingGiraldo Vélez, Francia
2016Students' performance in class through an effective time management implementing productive lesson planningHerrera Agudelo, Luisa Fernanda
2016Fostering narrative writing practices through the use of ICT tools and genre based instructionEstrada Blandón, Duván
2016Theme Based Instruction: An Alternative to Change Students' AttitudeChávez Ospina, Natalia
2018The Implementation of Montessori Method to Foster EFL Acquisition in Very Young Learners at a Private School in Medellín, Colombia.Ramírez Osorio, Ana María
2018Let's Play It! Improving First Graders' Oral and Listening Skills through Songs and VideosMedina Mira, Yeison Adrián
2018How can an English teacher adapt the lessons in order to meet the needs of students with different proficiency levels in class?Jaramillo Arroyave, Víctor Alexander
2018How does the implementation of critical reading strategies raise the levels of social awareness related to the current post-conflict period in students of 8th grade?Navarro Gutiérrez, Simón
2018How can the implementation of a teaching-learning cycle based on Genre Based Approach enhance students' written texts in a group of 11th graders at Institución Educativa CEFA?Castrillón Pineda, Laura Marcela
2018Exploring the Effects of Implementing PBL to Develop a Unit Plan about Sports in a 4th Grade English Class at a Public School in Medellín, Colombia.Moreno Sánchez, Julián
2018Le développement de la production orale à travers l’implémentation de tâchesEscobar Ramírez, Érica Alejandra
2016Stories From My TownBohórquez Rúa, Cindy Mallely
2016How Can Cooperative Learning Lead EFL Sixth Graders to Use English Orally?Agudelo Díaz, Mónica Alejandra
2018Fostering Critical Thinking Through PBL in Students of 9th Grade at Institución Educativa San José in Itagüí, ColombiaParra Tabares, Fabio Enrique
2018Ma plante : un outil pour l'apprentissage du FLEOrtega Ordóñez, Daniela del Pilar
2018To What Extent Does the Use of "Technological Strategies for Classroom Management" (TSCM) Lessen Third Graders' Disruptive Behaviors in an EFL Class?Mejía Agudelo, Juan Esteban
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 221