Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 221
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2018 | Strategies that Improve the Language Learning Experience of Seventh Graders with Deficit and Lack of Attention in the English Class | Ceballos Zapata, Karina Andrea |
2016 | Adjusting to my School | Salazar Villegas, Ana María |
2018 | Project-Based Learning: Sixth Graders Explore an Environmental Problem in an EFL Class | Viana Jiménez, Ana María |
2018 | Le développement de la production orale chez élèves de dixième année à l'Institution Éducative Javiera Londoño à travers la pédagogie basée sur la tâche | Soler Parra, Yerson Fabián |
2016 | Promoting Environmental Awareness in the English Class Using Task-Based Teaching | Giraldo Vélez, Francia |
2016 | Students' performance in class through an effective time management implementing productive lesson planning | Herrera Agudelo, Luisa Fernanda |
2016 | Fostering narrative writing practices through the use of ICT tools and genre based instruction | Estrada Blandón, Duván |
2016 | Theme Based Instruction: An Alternative to Change Students' Attitude | Chávez Ospina, Natalia |
2018 | The Implementation of Montessori Method to Foster EFL Acquisition in Very Young Learners at a Private School in Medellín, Colombia. | Ramírez Osorio, Ana María |
2018 | Let's Play It! Improving First Graders' Oral and Listening Skills through Songs and Videos | Medina Mira, Yeison Adrián |
2018 | How can an English teacher adapt the lessons in order to meet the needs of students with different proficiency levels in class? | Jaramillo Arroyave, Víctor Alexander |
2018 | How does the implementation of critical reading strategies raise the levels of social awareness related to the current post-conflict period in students of 8th grade? | Navarro Gutiérrez, Simón |
2018 | How can the implementation of a teaching-learning cycle based on Genre Based Approach enhance students' written texts in a group of 11th graders at Institución Educativa CEFA? | Castrillón Pineda, Laura Marcela |
2018 | Exploring the Effects of Implementing PBL to Develop a Unit Plan about Sports in a 4th Grade English Class at a Public School in Medellín, Colombia. | Moreno Sánchez, Julián |
2018 | Le développement de la production orale à travers l’implémentation de tâches | Escobar Ramírez, Érica Alejandra |
2016 | Stories From My Town | Bohórquez Rúa, Cindy Mallely |
2016 | How Can Cooperative Learning Lead EFL Sixth Graders to Use English Orally? | Agudelo Díaz, Mónica Alejandra |
2018 | Fostering Critical Thinking Through PBL in Students of 9th Grade at Institución Educativa San José in Itagüí, Colombia | Parra Tabares, Fabio Enrique |
2018 | Ma plante : un outil pour l'apprentissage du FLE | Ortega Ordóñez, Daniela del Pilar |
2018 | To What Extent Does the Use of "Technological Strategies for Classroom Management" (TSCM) Lessen Third Graders' Disruptive Behaviors in an EFL Class? | Mejía Agudelo, Juan Esteban |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 221