Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 221
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2016 | No English in English Class: Improving Oral Production Through Project-Based Learning in a 7th Grade Class at the Institución Educativa Presbítero Bernardo Montoya | Echeverri Carvajal, Johana |
2018 | To What Extent Does the Use of Formative Assessment Foster Third Graders' Meaningful Learning in an EFL Class? | Giraldo Giraldo, Diana María |
2018 | Bridging Activities to Promote Collaborative Work and Improve Language Performance in 10 Year-Olds at a Public School in Rionegro, Antioquia | Quintero Álvarez, Daniela |
2018 | How can the use of Project Based Learning respond to the linguistic and cultural needs in a group of 8th graders at the Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco? | Arias Gallo, Yuri Alejandra |
2018 | Mon style de vie: Apprentissage du FLE à travers des habitudes saines | Bautista Pineda, Luis Fernando |
2016 | To what extent is the Cooperative Learn Work Method beneficial to improve the written production of tenth grade students? | Ortiz Montoya, Luis Daniel |
2018 | How Do Team Games Tournaments As an Alternative in Assessment Promote Second Grader's Language Achievement in an EFL Class? | Serna Heilbron, Andrea |
2016 | Le développement de la compétence orale d'apprenants de 2e année pour décrire leur environnement proche | Ortega Agudelo, Daniel Felipe |
2016 | How does the implementation of multiple intelligences theory with first graders hold their positive attitude towards English at I. E. Sagrado Corazón | Rodríguez Suárez, Isabel Cristina |
2018 | Using the Universal Design for Learning Approach to Enhance Inclusion in a 5th Grade English Class. | Bedoya Echavarría, Alan Daniel |
2018 | How can the use of Rubrics contribute to make assessment a transparent process a ninth grade course at Institución Educativa Concejo de Medellín? | Martínez Marín, Alejandra |
2018 | Assesing Speaking Skills through the Implementation of TBLA in a Group of Second Graders | Rodríguez Arias, Lina Marcela |
2016 | From management to engagement: An affective teaching approach | Palacio Ortiz, Yuliana Andrea |
2018 | Contributing to a self-regulated English language learning process by teacher feedback at an eighth grade at Concejo de Medellin high school | Cortés Castaño, Jose David |
2018 | Apprendre à apprendre par le biais des stratégies mnémoniques | Álvarez Pinzón, Verónica |
2016 | Using Project Work to Help Students Understand How Individual Roles Benefit Cooperative Learning | Carvajal Zapata, Fredy Alejandro |
2018 | Promoting critical cultural awareness in ESL classes through rock and roll music content based workshops | Osorno Palacio, Juan Pablo |
2016 | L’amélioration de la production écrite à travers l’approche par tâches | Ospina Jiménez, Yulmar |
2018 | Sensibilisation sur l'environnement à travers l'apprentissage du FLE à l'institution éducative Alfonso Upegui Orozco | Rendón Flórez, Daniel Andrés |
2018 | How can the implementation of children's literature support the literacy development in a group of first graders at Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco? | Rocha Torrado, Karen Johana |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 221