Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras : [221] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 221
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2016No English in English Class: Improving Oral Production Through Project-Based Learning in a 7th Grade Class at the Institución Educativa Presbítero Bernardo MontoyaEcheverri Carvajal, Johana
2018To What Extent Does the Use of Formative Assessment Foster Third Graders' Meaningful Learning in an EFL Class?Giraldo Giraldo, Diana María
2018Bridging Activities to Promote Collaborative Work and Improve Language Performance in 10 Year-Olds at a Public School in Rionegro, AntioquiaQuintero Álvarez, Daniela
2018How can the use of Project Based Learning respond to the linguistic and cultural needs in a group of 8th graders at the Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco?Arias Gallo, Yuri Alejandra
2018Mon style de vie: Apprentissage du FLE à travers des habitudes sainesBautista Pineda, Luis Fernando
2016To what extent is the Cooperative Learn Work Method beneficial to improve the written production of tenth grade students?Ortiz Montoya, Luis Daniel
2018How Do Team Games Tournaments As an Alternative in Assessment Promote Second Grader's Language Achievement in an EFL Class?Serna Heilbron, Andrea
2016Le développement de la compétence orale d'apprenants de 2e année pour décrire leur environnement procheOrtega Agudelo, Daniel Felipe
2016How does the implementation of multiple intelligences theory with first graders hold their positive attitude towards English at I. E. Sagrado CorazónRodríguez Suárez, Isabel Cristina
2018Using the Universal Design for Learning Approach to Enhance Inclusion in a 5th Grade English Class.Bedoya Echavarría, Alan Daniel
2018How can the use of Rubrics contribute to make assessment a transparent process a ninth grade course at Institución Educativa Concejo de Medellín?Martínez Marín, Alejandra
2018Assesing Speaking Skills through the Implementation of TBLA in a Group of Second GradersRodríguez Arias, Lina Marcela
2016From management to engagement: An affective teaching approachPalacio Ortiz, Yuliana Andrea
2018Contributing to a self-regulated English language learning process by teacher feedback at an eighth grade at Concejo de Medellin high schoolCortés Castaño, Jose David
2018Apprendre à apprendre par le biais des stratégies mnémoniquesÁlvarez Pinzón, Verónica
2016Using Project Work to Help Students Understand How Individual Roles Benefit Cooperative LearningCarvajal Zapata, Fredy Alejandro
2018Promoting critical cultural awareness in ESL classes through rock and roll music content based workshopsOsorno Palacio, Juan Pablo
2016L’amélioration de la production écrite à travers l’approche par tâchesOspina Jiménez, Yulmar
2018Sensibilisation sur l'environnement à travers l'apprentissage du FLE à l'institution éducative Alfonso Upegui OrozcoRendón Flórez, Daniel Andrés
2018How can the implementation of children's literature support the literacy development in a group of first graders at Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco?Rocha Torrado, Karen Johana
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 221